I have to admit that I don't much care for Christmas (not what it's become anyway); and, I am always glad when it is over. Perhaps understanding the history behind this holiday; the insane shopping frenzy that occurs by people who, during the rest of the year, claim they have no money; and then there's those songs that if you really paid attention to the lyrics, anyone in their right mind would say "WHAT?" I honestly do not think that God is pleased sharing the celebration of Christ's incarnation with all of this other nonsense.
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
For crying out loud - We even have atheist, who don't believe in anything supernatural, singing about a man who seems to possess God's omniscience.
or how about this one:
He loves you just the same
Santa Claus knows we're all Gods children
That makes everything right
So fill your hearts with Christmas cheer
'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight!
He'll come around when the chimes ring out
That it's Christmas morn again
Peace on earth will come to all
If we just follow the light
So lets give thanks to the lord above
That Santa Claus comes tonight!
I can't take it! Does this make anyone else crazy? I have a hard time even thinking about the fact that most of us have sung right along with these tunes most of our lives without giving it a thought.
Okay - Having said all that (and I could go on and on; but, I will spare you) this holiday means a great deal to most people and many people experience severe sadness and depression because their Christmas is not filled with friends, family, food, and presents. So what does one do, when one loves people and yet wishes there was no such holiday? For us, it is simply another opportunity to show love to those who are (for the most part) forgotten.
Since I cannot erase the emotional damage that has already been done from the years of this ridiculous holiday and as much as it goes against my grain to participate in the rituals and traditions of this holiday; i.e. gift giving; we bought and wrapped 40 pair of soft, warm, cozy socks; I strung together bells and tied them around my cowboy boot with a big red ribbon, so that when I walked you could hear the faint sound of jungle bells and we headed out to the facilities that Michael ministers at, to love on the people with song and socks.
Of course, the songs we picked to sing did not include the above (smiling). We used this opportunity to sing songs that conveyed the gospel message; which encouraged those who are Christ's, and we hope might be used by God to open the eyes and hearts of those who do not yet know Him.
We were at 3 facilities yesterday and will be at another one this afternoon. Do I look forward to it? Yes, I actually do. To see someone in tears as we handed them a little package and said "Merry Christmas" tugged on my heart and helped me to sing with even more love and compassion:
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a Virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed
Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me
'Cause living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He's ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him
The grave could not keep Him from rising again
Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
Glorious day
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my beloved one bringing
My Savior Jesus is mine
Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
Glorious day, oh, glorious day
With our friend Eric - He's front and center in his wheelchair |
With our friend Anne who we originally met at Atria |
Michael & Lucy at Eskaton |
Deni, Me, and Lucy |
We went to see Brenda, as well; and, even though they had the TV on in the background, we were able to share the Gospel and sing of the Savior and I felt the presence of God in a powerful way!
Before we left, Brenda had tears in her eyes and said, "Parents should never lie to their children about Santa Claus. It's wrong to do that." Brenda was very grateful for our visit and we had a wonderful time of hugs and kisses together.
So, as much as a truly dislike how our country celebrates this Holiday, I will continue to reach out to others and use this time as an opportunity to share Christ and love with others.
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